「宙鏡」最大の特徴は、3つのモデル全てに、美しい漆文字板を採用している点。 それぞれのモデルで異なる漆の技法が用いられており、個性的な輝きを放っている。
11月8日発売のグランドコンプリケーションモデルAH4080-01Mは、価格495,000円。 ミニッツリピーター、ムーンフェイズ、パーペチュアルカレンダー、クロノグラフの4大複雑機構を搭載した、まさに「グランドコンプリケーション」の名にふさわしいモデル。銀河の輝きを漆に螺鈿で表現した文字板と、手作業でグラデーションを施した漆塗りの見返しリングが光のゆらぎを感じさせるデザインとなっている。
同じく11月8日発売の光発電エコ・ドライブ搭載モデルBU0020-20Lは、価格385,000円。 金属粉を混ぜた紺漆で6時位置のサブダイヤルに星が瞬く様子を閉じ込めており、奥行きのある立体的な文字板構造も楽しめる。 見返しリングやLWG認証を取得したワニ革バンドも紺色のワントーンでシックにまとめている。 シチズン独自の光発電技術「エコ・ドライブ」は、定期的な電池交換を不要とするだけでなく、環境保護の観点からも高く評価されており、1996年には腕時計として初めて「エコマーク商品」に認定されている。
Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. will release new models from its “CAMPANOLA” watch brand, known for its time-enjoying philosophy. The new collection, “CAMPANOLA Sorakagami (Space Mirror)”, will be available on November 8th and December 5th, 2024. The design of this new product embodies the theme of CAMPANOLA, “To gaze at the vast universe and enjoy the present moment.” It is inspired by the starry sky reflected in water held in one’s hands, drawing from Heian period poetry to express the lyricism of the starry sky like a painting.
The most striking feature of “Sorakagami” is the beautiful lacquer dial, reminiscent of a miniature universe on the wrist, featured in all three models. Each model boasts a unique lacquer technique, resulting in distinctive brilliance.
The limited-edition model NZ0000-58L will be available on December 5th, priced at 1,320,000 yen, with only 150 pieces available. Master craftsman Tetsuo Gido, specializing in Aizu lacquerware, utilizes multiple lacquer techniques to depict the deep shimmer of nebulae and the twinkling of stars on the dial. The shimmering nebulae are expressed by sprinkling platinum powder onto the lacquer and polishing it, while the twinkling stars are depicted through raden (mother-of-pearl inlay) and maki-e (gold and silver powder sprinkled lacquer). A glossy, deep navy blue lacquer-coated bezel adds a touch of luxury.
The Grand Complication model AH4080-01M, priced at 495,000 yen, will be released on November 8th. Equipped with the four major complex functions of a minute repeater, moon phase, perpetual calendar, and chronograph, this model truly lives up to its name “Grand Complication.” The dial, featuring a Milky Way motif rendered in raden and lacquer, and the hand-applied gradation lacquer bezel evoke the shimmering of light.
The Eco-Drive model BU0020-20L, also releasing on November 8th, is priced at 385,000 yen. The 6 o’clock sub-dial, created with navy blue lacquer mixed with metal powder, encapsulates the twinkling of stars. The watch also boasts a deep, three-dimensional dial structure. The bezel and LWG-certified crocodile leather strap are unified in a navy blue tone, creating a chic ambiance. Citizen’s proprietary Eco-Drive technology, which eliminates the need for periodic battery replacement, is highly acclaimed for its environmental friendliness. In 1996, it became the first wristwatch to receive the “Eco Mark” certification in Japan.
All three models feature a dual-spherical sapphire glass with a Clarity Coating, minimizing light reflection and enhancing dial visibility. Please note that prices, release dates, and specifications are subject to change.
Product Details: https://citizen.jp/news/2024/20241022_1.html