- ソルベブルー: グレーが入ったブルーで、シャープな印象と透明感を演出する。
- ストーングレー: 濃すぎない万能カラーで、様々なシーンに活用できる。クールで大人な印象を与える。
- コーラルレッド: 少しグレーみを感じる赤茶系の色で、肌なじみが良く様々なファッションに合わせやすい。
- 3色全て夜間運転・夜間路上使用が可能。
- 濃度指定、ハーフ対応は不可。
- 屈折率1.76、1.67、1.60のルティーナ素材商品のみ対応。
- カラー調光に対応。(屈折率1.67、1.60のルティーナフォト素材商品のみ)
ソルベブルー + ルティーナフォトグレー
ストーングレー + ルティーナフォトグレー
コーラルレッド + ルティーナフォトブラウン
【問合せ先】 東海光学株式会社 〒444-2192 愛知県岡崎市恵田町下田5-26 電話 (0564) 27-3045
New Product Launch: Tamaki Hiroshi Select Colors (Tokai Optical Co., Ltd.)
Tokai Optical will launch “Tamaki Hiroshi Select Colors,” a series of three colored lenses selected by actor Tamaki Hiroshi, who has been featured in the company’s promotions, on January 14, 2025.
Tamaki has been promoting Tokai Optical’s progressive lenses “Neuro Select,” “Lutein” which protects lutein for eye health, and high-performance color lens series “Ray Style” since October 2022.
The new products to be released this time are three stylish colors that create a “sense of airiness x a sense of sophistication.” Tamaki himself selected colors that blend well with the skin and match various styles based on the idea that “color lenses are more enjoyable if you choose them according to the TPO and lens performance.”
Tamaki Hiroshi Select Colors
Sorbet Blue: A blue color with gray mixed in, creating a sharp impression and a sense of transparency.
Stone Gray: A versatile color that is not too dark and can be used in various scenes. It gives a cool and mature impression.
Coral Red: A reddish-brown color with a hint of gray, it blends well with the skin and is easy to match with various fashions.
Tamaki says that when choosing colored lenses, he values choosing them according to the TPO, based on the color of his clothes and their compatibility with fashion. He also says that learning about the various performances of lenses through his work with Tokai Optical has made him realize that choosing lenses with eye health in mind is also an important point.
“Tamaki Hiroshi Select Colors” Specifications
- All three colors can be used for nighttime driving and nighttime street use.
- Concentration designation and half-frame support are not available.
- Only compatible with Lutein material products with refractive indices of 1.76, 1.67, and 1.60.
- Compatible with color dimming. (Only for Lutein Photo material products with refractive indices of 1.67 and 1.60)
Sorbet Blue + Lutein Photo Gray
Stone Gray + Lutein Photo Gray
Coral Red + Lutein Photo Brown
[Contact] Tokai Optical Co., Ltd. 5-26 Eda-cho, Shimoda, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture 444-2192 Phone (0564) 27-3045
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